Friday, November 04, 2005

Going home

A few days ago my mom e-mailed that she had such a severe nosebleed that her friend insisted she go to Urgent Care. The doctor there cauterized her nose three times (apparently a very unpleasant experience. Since then she's awakened in the early hours with more spontaneous nose bleeds so she took herself back to Urgent Care where the nurse gasped at her blood pressure (which has been very low all her adult life) and made her an appointment with a local family physican since Mom hasn't been to a doctor in a few years. All of which leads me to suspect something more is going on in her life, physically, mentally or emotionally, so we're moving the rig to a campground in Phoenix and taking a flight home this weekend to stay with her for a couple of months. I'll try to fatten her up and do most of the work around the house and see if she improves any. She's a relatively youthful 73 and has been healthy all her life so this coming on overnight is worrisome. And now I've upset her more by telling her I'm coming home but she'll just have to deal with it-heh. You know how moms are; she's worried about the additional expense. Matter of fact she cried the entire phone call, saying she wasn't dying. Yep Mom, I know that, but I'm coming home anyway.

So the blog entries will be erratic. Maybe I'll bring my picture disks with me and do some "blasts from the past" blog entries of places we've visited. Not so much to entertain you, but to warm myself with pleasant memories while we're in the cold Ohio fall/winter temperatures. Jeans, sweat shirts, winter coats. Yuck. Double yuck.


Nancy said...

You might be surprised at the places this trip will take you, as you take care of your mother.

Don't leave us out of it, and don't forget there is always someone to talk to out here in blogland...

I hope your mom feels better soon.

RVVagabond said...

Thanks, Nancy. We'll look at this as a slight detour on the road of life. Not only will we be able to get an early start on the home improvements list we were coming home to work on next summer, we'll have more time to visit friends and family over the holidays. If Mom is up to it, she and I may even be able to do our "Christmas power shopping" routine of years past. So, hang the expense, we're goin' home!

And now that I've started this blog, there's no way you can shut me up-heh.

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