Monday, April 14, 2008


We could have died today.

I bet that got your attention, didn't it? It sure got ours!

We were heading out to pick up our mail from the post office when we had to stop for construction along the roadway with other traffic. As we sat there waiting, all of a sudden we saw a flash of red to our right and a truck loaded with bales of pine straw went barreling past us in the grass off the roadway. A tire flew off the truck as it jounced and rocked, heading for the woods twenty yards off the road. The truck finally shuddered to a stop and the older man driving the truck cautiously got out.

Since traffic was cleared to move forward on our side of the roadway, we pulled up and stopped by the man who was clearly shaken. We asked if his brakes had gone out, "yes", and if he was okay, "yes" again. We thanked him for working so hard to avoid hitting us (he had to have been going at least 55 mph when he tried to stop) and the others ahead of us. He told us he would have made sure he hit the trees before he ran into the back of us.

We decided that today would be a good day to buy a lottery ticket. I hope our luck holds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart skipped a beat with that one. I am so relieved to hear that you all (including the driver of the other truck) are alright.

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