Saturday, May 17, 2008


Busy, busy. Yesterday was spent in Cincinnati, trying to cut the near-foot long grass at the in-law's place. We were going to plant the tomatoes, but after attempting to dig a hole for the first one and coming up with a spadeful of slop, Denny decided we'd have to wait on that. Cincinnati had had two inches of rain the day before and more is predicted over the weekend. We did get the electrified horse fence partially installed (I'm sure the neighbors are now wondering when the horse will arrive) although we need some additional pieces-parts (what WAS that commercial that said something about pieces-parts so many years ago?) before we'll be ready to fend off the deer. Denny has started some lettuce seed so things are coming together for the garden.

Why I am remiss? We had the big 97th birthday celebration for Denny's dad yesterday; Denny's sister Connie made and brought over a huge meal for eight of us which was absolutely delicious. What with the hugs and catching up with cousins and an aunt, I totally forgot the camera which was down in the truck. So no birthday pix, no family pix, nada. Dumb. Good memories, though.

A nice surprise when we arrived back at the campground was seeing Don, Vicki, Burt and Sandy next door gathered around a campfire. I grabbed the cat for a quick walk while Denny meandered over to chat. Don gave me an amaretto sour, which was very tasty, and we hung out for an hour or so until the long, long day started catching up to us (we had left at 9AM and gotten home at 9:30PM). Sleep came easily last night, for sure. It was a good day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

97 years.. how wonderful is that!!

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