Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Summer-like Lazy Sunday

It's hard to imagine that we've been here in Ohio for five weeks already. I don't know if it's because we're busier at the moment with the garden and two yards to maintain, or if it's because Don and Vicki are next door and so Denny and I find ourselves wandering over to spend time with them. Last year at the other campground Black Beauty and some of my favorite springtime blooming bushes, the blowsy peony. To me, peonies mean Memorial Day, not only because that's when they bloom in Ohio, but we planted them around the graves of family members who had served our country.our RV neighbors either worked (construction guys) or only came on weekends so time sometimes dragged for us.

We haven't been out to sightsee yet, although I think we'll try to visit Fort Ancient and maybe Serpent Mound before Don and Vicki pull up stakes to hit the road in early July. There's the garage sale to work on at my mother's house and I'm going to try to start clearing out paints and poisons from my father-in-law's garage too. We have ambitious plans so far, but we'll see how that goes.

When we arrived here in Wilmington, the area at the back of our trailer looked like this:

Now, it looks like this:

Patches enjoys the "backyard" because there are chipmunk burrows and a robin sitting on a nest and all sorts of small, kitty-sized birds hopping around on the ground to stalk (shush--she's always leashed when she's outside).

Denny still needs to build a protective cover for the power box for the electrified fence and get some wire to ground it, but he'll have it powered up this week. That's a good thing, because one tomato plant has teeny tiny tomatoes on it now. We cheated and bought one plant with blossoms already on it. Notice the oh-so-nicely cut yard, a la Linda. Gotta love those lawn tractors.

Houston (Hi Nancy) we have tomatoes:

I kept forgetting the camera when we drove down I-71 to Cinci, where the highway was lined with huge groves of black locust trees. Black locusts have wonderfully fragrant white wisteria-like blossoms in the spring so they are not only beautiful but it's great to drive by them with the truck windows open.

Black Beauty and some of my favorite springtime blooming bushes, the blowsy peony. To me, peonies mean Memorial Day, not only because that's when they bloom in Ohio, but we planted them around the graves of family members who had served our country.

Instead of a sunset, since unfortunately we haven't had a truly spectacular one here in Ohio yet, we have my little escape artist. Patches was actually trying to catch a bird when she suddenly realized that there was life on the other side of the privacy fence at my mother's house. Immediately after taking this picture she was grabbed and banished to the house.


Nancy said...

ah hah!

You're tomatoes are now a little ahead of mine, as I've had to plant a second wave. We'll see how they do.

On the upside, I do have squash!

Anonymous said...

I live for the day we have fresh tomatoes ready for pickin. You guys are way ahead of us.

Love the picture of Patches. :-)

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