Sunday, September 10, 2006

Heading Out on a Lazy Sunday

Normally we don't break camp on a Sunday but our trip back to Ohio is over 400 miles so we're breaking it up into a two-day trip. We prefer not to spend more than four hours on the road if we can help it and would prefer 150 mile segments when we can arrange it that way. After all, there's no rush to get there with our lifestyle.

Thus, today's Lazy Sunday pictures are based on our stay here in southwest New York. It's a pretty area, remote and peaceful and not at all how I envisioned New York before we started traveling. I had pictures of an entire state of New York City crowds, buildings and attitude. Taint so. I've had to change a lot of my preconceived notions about this country since we started this journey. Totally a good thing....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so enjoyed the pictures of your stay in the state of NY. Funny how we acquire preconceived notions about both people and places. Encouraging to know we are often pleasantly surprised at how wrong we can be. :-)

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