Friday, September 16, 2005

A compliment

This morning I wondered if I was crazy when I headed towards the pool at 8 a.m. for water aerobics. The thermometer said it was 39 out there-brr! But as I approached the pool there were about 20 ladies and 4 gentlemen waiting for the door to be unlocked, so I guess I wasn't the only fool. It turns out the hot spring-fed pool is kept very warm and it felt great. The folks there were all local residents who gather on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to do aerobics and use the pool but they were very gracious at welcoming me, the lone camper, into their group.

After breakfast we headed into town, population 636, to drop off a letter to our granddaughter at the post office. A young man with Downs Syndrome was just leaving the post office and I said "good morning" to him and walked on. He said "good morning" in return and then turned back and said "you look very pretty in your shorts this morning". I think that he was referring to the contrast between my tan and my white shorts, but regardless, it was sweet.

I used to compliment strangers myself, and after this morning I realized I had gotten out of the habit. How simple it is to say something nice about a striking necklace, a pretty sweater, a nicely detailed classic car of the 50s, a super-shiny hand-polished Airstream trailer to that person nearby.

Complimenting a stranger, opening your circle to a newcomer. Small things that make a person feel good. Paying it forward...

1 comment:

Soulknitting said...

Glad to see you two are having fun. I agree with complimenting strangers and I try to do it on a regular basis. Grocery clerks, bookstore helpers, and especially little tiny ladies that wear lipstick. I know that after my parents died, I was often out 'there' in a fog -- getting gas, shopping, working, etc. It was a horrific experience that constantly enveloped me yet those around had no clue of the fog. A kind word from somebody was like being handed a flower. Sometimes it was the only nice thing that would happen all week. So, I try to remember that. I don't know what is going on in other people's lives and a small gesture of kindness can so touch the heart in a sometimes bleak existence. Good on you for being aware and being nice. It helps others and will come back to you 3 fold I believe. Safe journeys.

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