Sunday, September 11, 2005

Larry and Mary's Restaurant

According to Mary, our waitress and the Mary of Larry and Mary's Restaurant, we broke a waitress rule by not closing our menus after perusing them to show that we were ready to order. Wow, I have to admit we were ignorant of that particular rule of restaurant behavior! We knew, of course, to turn our coffee cup up if we wanted it filled or to leave it down if we didn't, but she also told us a good waitress watches to see how far one tilts their mug to judge whether or not she needs to come by with the coffee pot to refill said mug. Need I say that we were the only customers in the restaurant at 8:15 in the morning? Restaurant etiquette course 101 on a Sunday morning in a small town.

All kidding aside, the meal was quite good and Larry prides himself on his hand-grated and carefully friend hash browns which he insisted on serving us in spite of our protests of following an Atkin's diet. I caved in and took a couple of bites and they were, indeed, deliciously crisp. It's a nice restaurant, the owners are friendly and the food is good. And townspeople arrive in shiny, highly polished, mint-condition Edsels so ya gotta love it!

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