Monday, April 02, 2007

The Great Escape

Imagine our surprise yesterday morning when Denny and I returned from our Sunday morning breakfast outing to find Patches running towards the truck as we parked! I looked towards the door to see the screen in the window of the living room slideout pushed to the side. Obviously, the cat had figured out how to hook her claws into the screen there and slide it sideways so she could jump down the five feet to the patio below. Great. Now I have to come up with "kitty lock bars" on the screens or remember to shut all the windows when we go out, which is not a good thing in the desert heat.

Hmm, if broomsticks work in the tracks of a patio door, perhaps my manicure orangewood sticks would work in the tracks of the sliding windows. Denny's vote is to have the cat declawed, but that's a bit extreme, although not as extreme as throwing her out in the desert which was his first choice (kidding, folks). So today we'll be working on a solution to keep our kitty escape artist inside the fifth wheel.

Life is always interesting when you own a pet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kitty's are just so ingeniously when it comes to opening doors, cupboards or screens.. especially when they set their little kitty brains on the task. Good luck with finding a solution. The manicure sticks just might do the job. :-)

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