After whining about having a cold this week I received bad news about two very dear friends. There's nothing like a little reality to make you realize how good life really is and how much you should appreciate the time you have here.
Thus, this week's Lazy Sunday pictures are things that make me smile--small events and people in our everyday lives that I
did appreciate at the time and still appreciate now.

This young man has been making me smile since the day he was born. Darby truly has an infectious grin inherited from his father, not the "I'm smiling for a picture" thing he's got going on here.

Kara and Marissa were absolutely estatic over making Snickerdoodles with Grandma this Christmas. They discovered that making them was more fun than eating them!

Our good friends Brian and Judy stopped by to visit us one day while we were in Pahrump, Nevada. We were entertained by the antics of this roadrunner, who took time out in his posing to catch himself a lizard for dinner. Delightful.

Denny and I met John Howard at the Black Canyon of the Gunnsion State Park in Colorado in September of 2004. John was traveling from Texas and was en route to meet his brother in Idaho where they were going to explore some of the national parks. He was fascinated by our lifestyle and we kept bumping into him throughout the park, in effect spending hours with him. We communicated for a short while by e-mail, but the last time I sent an e-mail his address was no longer in effect. I'm sorry to have lost touch with him because his fascination with our lifestyle reminded us of how lucky we are to be able to travel as we do.

John took this picture of Denny and me, unbeknowst to the two of us. It's rare to catch Denny smiling for a picture.

These sculptures just outside of the tiny ghost town of Rhyolite, Nevada were just so funky-fun they are irrestible.

This little guy lived beneath a shed near our campsite in Othello, Washington. He would come out to nibble the tender dandelion greens after sniffing carefully for predators.
I'm sorry to hear about your friends. It's hard to lose someone unexpectedly...or expectedly.
All in all, I'd rather be RV'ing just now.
Well, now you have me smiling too. :-)
Clinker is AKA Coll.. guess I must have clicked the wrong click. :-)
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