Friday, July 21, 2006


Last night we attended the retirement party of a former co-worker. Normally, retirement is a time of mixed emotions; one is happy that you no longer have to punch a clock but sad that you're leaving friends and a bit fearful because you're not really sure of what the future holds. This retirement is sadder still because it is forced by illness. But both active and retired police officers and dispatchers showed up in force and it was wonderful to see how well everyone is doing. With so many folks there it was hard to spend more than a few minutes with each as you wanted to catch up with everyone so you ended up sharing mini-synopses of your past eight years with each other. We discovered that children we remembered being knee high have graduated high school/ college/gotten married, retirements are being planned and that almost all are doing well.

One additional item I discovered is that I have become one of them. That is, one of those folks who has a surgical scar and story to share. Aaarrggghhhh. It's amazing how many bony knees/scars were pointed out and discussed in those three hours we spent. Sigh.

Happy Retirement, Officer M--may you spend it in better health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It seems like only yesterday that the idea of retirement seemed light years away. Now here it is .. just a blink away for many of us, scars and all. Wishing your friends many years of happy retirement living.

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