Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Quiet Time

The word from Hughes is that our modem should arrive late this afternoon. Finally. That's good news, but we're distracted by news from the family right now. There's emotional upheaval going on and life will not be the same for one of our own from here on out. Being so far away makes it hard for us, because we want to be there to help naturally. Nothing different from what thousands of families go through all the time, right? Well, that doesn't help.

The last few days have had a pattern for us; water aerobics in the morning for me, followed by a couple of hours of hand-and-arm-numbing labor for Denny as he pounds away trying to pry up those hideous tiles. Patches gets a walk to make up for being subjected to the noise of the hammering and the vacuuming up of all the bits and pieces that follows, and then we relax a bit in the sun, listening to the sound of the surf. Sometimes a nap occurs later in the afternoon, sometimes we have errands to run, sometimes we just read. The rhythmic sound of the surf soothes us as we walk the beach searching for beach glass to add to Vicki's collection, bringing back memories of our extended stay here after we first sold our house and hit the road as full time rvers. The only thing we haven't done this month is walk all the way up to the state park for ice cream cones, as was our habit of our past visits, because it's been too cool for ice cream so we promise ourselves "next time we come back". Because the pull of the ocean is strong, and we will be back.


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